
Friday, January 2, 2009

To Be or Not To Be...Useful, Fruitful, Faithful

John Bunyan wrote what is regarded as one of the most significant works in literature years ago, and that book, Pilgrim's Progress, is published and read unto this day. PROGRESS is what the Christian life is all about, while avoiding the things which entangle us (2 Tim. 2:4), the sins which beset us (Heb. 12:1), and the cares that distract us (Matt. 6:25). Following salvation many believers seem to select a button that puts the Christian life on auto-pilot (passivity). It would be more preferable to use the manual controls (diligent activity) and have a work out plan routinely scheduled. Peter encourages this last approach where he exhorts us to add to our faith, knowledge, to our knowledge, self-control, to self-control, perseverance, and onto that godliness, brotherly-kindness and love (2 Peter 1:6-11). Adding these qualities to your faith insures us that we will be useful (vs. 8), fruitful (vs. 8), and faithful (vs. 10). One added bonus is the plentiful entrance into the kingdom of our Lord. What will it be for you? Auto-pilot (passivity) or diligent activity? Please keep up the good PROGRESS and momentum.

Frequently I am asked how I am feeling, so let me be candid. The path is long, the hurdles at times are high, yet His grace is sufficient, His presence is near and His love is never ending. Our goal remains unchanged, which is to be home just after the middle of January. Out of 30 radiation treatments, I have 11 left, and 12 days of chemotherapy left. I am hoping to continue my chemotherapy in Nebraska under a neuro oncologist supervised by my doctor here. James Taylor, Jim Ladd and I will be sharing similar hairstyles, or the lack thereof!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris!
I just figured out how to respond to this BLOG thing. Not the brightest bulb in the package am I?
Glad to see you are still keeping with your ministry to us. You are so uplifting. Thank you for your courage!!
We just are closing up with the holidays. It was nice to have the kids all home for awhile.
We continue to pray for you and the family. I know God is listening and will be there for you throughout the rest of your treatments.
We love you and are thinking of you.

Jody and Joe