
Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Christian's Motto - "We Aim To Please"

The Scriptures commonly condemn "men-pleasers," while we are commanded to be God-
pleasers. (I Thess. 4:1) You can see in various households certain children who seem eager to please their parents by prompt compliance to directives, by carrying out tasks with a positive attitude, and an overall satisfaction that submission to authority is a positive thing. I wanted to supply you this evening with some additional ways the Bible says we as children may please our Heavenly Father (List compiled by David Hocking):

1. By exalting Jesus Christ, His Son (Matt. 3:17; Col. 1:15-19)

2. By proclaiming the message of the cross (I Cor. 1:18-2:5)

3. By believing in God and his promises (Heb. 11:6)

4. By asking for wisdom (1 Kings 3:10, Col. 1:9-14; James 1:5-8)

5. By staying away from sexual sin (Eph. 5:3,4,10; 1 Thess. 4:1-8)

6. By sharing the gospel with unbelievers (I Cor. 9:14-27, 10:31-33)

7. By giving to others in time of need (Phil. 4:10-20; Heb. 13:16)

8. By submitting to authority (Rom. 8:7-8, Col. 3:20; 1 John 3:22)

9. By praising God for all things (Ps. 69:30-31; Heb. 13:15-16)

The Scriptures say we must become as children to enter the Kingdom of God. Better yet, why not become as children who are eager to please the Heavenly Father.

Health Update: bilirubin continued to rise, while strength decreases. There is much pain from the biopsy, making it difficult to breath. Additional testing is scheduled for Friday.

1 comment:

Jim & Lela said...

Would that I could take your burden, even for a day, and allow you to rest and regain strength! Please know that I am praying for you continually. I pray that Bruce and Kathy arrive safely and give you hugs from all. Love, Lela