
Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Good Day

Chris asked me to give you a medical update on his behalf. He really has not had a good night's rest since the blood clot incident, but last night was particularly difficult. He woke up with severe nausea, the first since starting treatment, and had fever, shortness of breath, and general misery. We had an appointment for blood work today (which again was OK), but the doctor was concerned about his symptoms, particularly the very low oxygen count, so sent us directly to ER. At this point he has been diagnosed with pneumonia, but they are going to continue testing as to the type, and hope to rule out anything heart related. He is presently in intensive care awaiting a scope of his lungs for further diagnosis. He asks your prayers that the antibiotic will take effect quickly, and that he will be able to rest. He describes himself as "battle worn," as you can imagine, from the seriousness of the condition and treatments to the lack of rest.

Our conversation in the evening often ends with "This was a good day!" That usually means there were no new catastrophes! Things went according to plan, we enjoyed each other, our meals, and being able to check another treatment off the calendar. Have you ever thought about what makes a good day? In I Peter 1:6 we are told, "In this you GREATLY REJOICE, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials..." In meditating on this passage this week I am challenged that the great rejoicing is not when the trial is over - it's during the trial. Why? We don't always remember this, but it is because of the greatness of our inheritance reserved in heaven, and the proof of our faith that will result in praise and glory and honor for the Lord someday. A good day doesn't have to depend on good circumstances or absence of pain. I don't have to measure this day in terms of the present difficulty, I can choose to measure it by future glory, or the delightful presence of the Lord right now. Today my precious husband is in ICU, awaiting further testing, and it feels like a definite setback. But the truth is, it was a good day, because we experienced God's presence, His peace and comfort, His love, and His power working in us. Did you have a good day?


Anonymous said...

I guess by your definition of a good day that if Jesus resides within our heart, we are truly blessed with good days. Each trial should bring us a little closer to Him, if we allow it to.

I pray that that peace that passes understanding would continually fill each of you and that you would have restful sleep. I pray that the right antibiotic would be chosen and that it would quickly work to get rid of the pneumonia. I pray the blood of Jesus would protect each healthy cell in your body, Chris, and that all cancer cells would be eradicated.

We love you both and pray for many more years of ministry to the body of Christ.

Love in Christ,
Janice Ganje

Anonymous said...

Everyday that we wake up to Glorify Him is a good day, but sometimes we forget these things. We are constantly praying for you both.Sydney was hugging on Bethany at AWANAS, I told her to not smother her, but Syd said that there were hugs there for both of you too. We also pray for reknewed strength and restful peace. In HIS Glory, Toni

Anonymous said...

Not only is it a good day if Jesus resides in our heart, but Psalms 118:24 states "This is the day the Lord had made. We WILL rejoice and be glad in it. This verse is a statement. It does not say we can,if we choose, it is we will. We forget this day is about Him, not whether we make enough money or we had things go our way. Satan wants and tells us it's all about us. So every day I am striving to keep the Lord in focus. Last night at Mia Bella around 8:00 p.m. I felt a strong urging to pray for Chris. I did, I hope it helped.
We love your ramblings Chris and we miss you both so very much.

Until the Lord brings you back to us, In Christ's love,
Lisa Kilpatrick

Pastor Brad said...

Praise God for His work in your lives...your comments/questions touch me deeply.
Dear Lord, please heal this child that he may serve You! Amen.

Anonymous said...

This is the first I've seen this blog. Thanks for keeping us updated. Praying for your family.
In Christ,
Darcey Hansen

P.S. I miss hearing "Listen, people..."

Anonymous said...

Chris and Eunice,
Wow, the Lord is really taking you through deep waters of tial and testings, yet you give daily testimony to His protection and provision. How your courage has blessed us! I want to be just like you when I grow up. Gary and Barb

Anonymous said...

We keep up on your blog site and I seem to be inspired in so many ways. Yet, I want to write back to you and say just the right thing to inspire you also. I am blank. I think I have been shown so many reasons more to be thankful for tha many things we all have here on earth but I just want you both back here and things to be back to norm. Well what is normal right as Carol Kent reminds us. I think I want you both here so I can be a better friend and just be closer just in case you need something from me. YOU both have given me so much these last few months.
Miss you and am learning patience for your return trip home.
In His Love
Cathy and Ken