
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wednesday night

One way that the Word of God frequently impacts me with it's lessons is through the use of contrast. I was reading this morning in Ezekiel 34 about negligent shepherds who had diseased flocks they had not bothered with or healed, other sheep were broken and not bound up, many were scattered and had not been brought back. Others were simply unfed, uncared for, and totally neglected. Further on in the passage, our God is recognized as the Good Shepherd Who gathers His sheep to their own land, feeds them in good pasture and grazing ground and leads them to rest. He seeks the lost, brings back the scattered, binds up the broken and strengthens the sick. You cannot help but read John chapter 10, and especially verse 11, without coming away knowing how much He cares for us and loves us. The Good Shepherd lays down His own life for the sheep. We are continually thankful for our Good Shepherd's guidance, care, nurture, and oversight even in all the details. Psalm 100:3 states that "we are His people and the sheep of His pasture" and that fills our thoughts and mouths with praise and thanksgiving. We are looking forward to having two of our own little lambs join us in a week for Christmas and we miss the flock of God in McCook, Nebraska with each passing day. Please, as you give thanks to the Lord, thank Him for Chris's sister Linda and brother-in-law Mike, who are in so many details.

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