
Friday, December 26, 2008

Forgetting None of His Benefits (Psalm 103)

Today’s Issue of USA Today submitted that 2008 was an “Epic Year,” or in the words of a certain salesman, it will be “unforgettable”: Michael Phelps achievements in the China Olympics, gas over $4.00 a gallon in some places, the seismic stock market fluctuations, and the first African American elected president are among the events that most mark it as memorable. For the Atkins, obviously, the discovery, removal, and treatment of my brain tumor make this an UNUSUAL year. However, what makes it UNFORGETTABLE is the love, grace, mercy, care, and faithfulness of God who remains my pillar and anchor. Psalm 103:2 says, “Bless the Lord O my soul, and FORGET none of His benefits.” I share the Psalmist’s determination to make not only the gifts, but the Giver, my focus; not only the benefits, but the Benefactor the theme of my song. His benefits to us include the countless prayers, concerns, acts of kindness and love sent in this family’s direction from so many friends and loved ones. I am so thankful and overwhelmed. We look forward after completed treatment to ministering to those who have so ministered to us in a hundred ways!!
Love in Christ, Chris

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