
Monday, November 24, 2008

Update Monday evening 11/24

We met with the surgeon this morning and learned that the swelling in Chris' brain had not decreased overnight, and the surgeon wants Chris to remain in ICU for another day. This is actually good, in that the ICU nurses provide Chris with much more attention than he would receive in the regular hospital, which is not only good for his attitude but also means that he will receive immediate help if things turn for the worse.

Chris had a very good day today, including some time spent in prayer with Eunice. One of the blessings of the day was that he was moved to a new room in ICU. This doesn't sound like much, but the new room is much quieter than the previous one, and also has a large window facing south which lets in lots of light throughout the day. This really brightened Chris' day!

Also, Chris had his first visit with the physical therapy professionals. They were terrific with him, and motivated him to really walk around the ICU. They gave him some leg exercizes to follow, and promised to be back to check on his progress daily.

By the afternoon Chris was really doing well. When I saw him about 5:00 pm, he was truly the "old Chris" back with us. Of course, the fact that Eunice shaved him helped! He read each of the cards that we received today, and expressed once again how deeply he appreciates the notes people are writing.

Our prayer request for the day is that the CAT scan tomorrow morning show decreased swelling in his brain, and a reduction in the spinal fluid that has been building up. Also, for continued strength for Eunice as she nurses Chris, and for continued improvement of his motor skills. We thank the Lord for your prayers!

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze." Isaiah 43:4


Anonymous said...

psalm 32:5-8: "Find rest, O my soul, in God alone;my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God ; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge."

We are lifting you up in prayer Chris and Eunice! Our prayers are that the swelling will have gone down and Chris can continue his healing.

Eunice, it was a blessing to hear your "smile" in your voice today...please give Chris our love and blessings too. Thank you to Mike for updating the blog...we treasure each word and update.

All our love,
Brad and Sharleen

Anonymous said...

It was So Good to hear your voice this morning, Eunice!!! It sounds like you are getting the 'nursing thing' down to a science. We are praying for You just as much as we pray for Chris. So glad you are able to be there by his side!!

We are thankful that Mike has been able to update your blog, it has lessened the amount of people calling...You are just on everyone's mind and they are all so concerned about you. I have people stop me all over town to ask how you are doing!!

We will be here at the Prayer meeting tonight 7-8 PM, there was a large turn out last week and we are expecting that many and more tonight.

The ladies are here folding the brocures for the Women's Winter Conference, you should hear the commotion...and Laughter!! A real Hen-party :-)) LOL

Keep up the good work and daily progress!!

Eunice please give Chris a BIG HUG for me... :-)

I better get back to work!!

Love and Miss you both!!