
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Greatest Word Uttered

The three words that Jesus spoke in John 19;30 is a single word in the original Greek text, that has been called "the greatest word which ever broke upon the ear of man." Frequently preachers look for a single word or thought to drive a point home with power to the hearer. The one word that Jesus uttered was "tetelestai." This means "It is finished." It is a declaration of victory. It was said to be an artist's word. When the painter had put the finishing touches to the vivid landscape, he would stand back and admire his masterpiece and murmur, "tetelestai." It is impossible here to exhaust it's depths, but we can make some observations. It was a word that indicated suffering was ended. The physical agony and mental anguish now culminated in his death for us. The word also indicates that revelation was finalized. Early in John's gospel we read that "no man has seen God at any time."
In Jesus, God became visible and tangible. In His humanity He interpreted the Father to us. The word also means that shadows became substance. Centuries of sacrifice revealed their insufficiency, but now the perfect sacrifice was offered. Finally, "tetelestai" means: the Father's will was fulfilled, Satan was defeated, and redemption was accomplished. An unknown author stated, "It is finished was His last voice, the sacred accents over. He bowed His head, gave up the ghost, and suffered pain no more." Truly that one word was the greatest word ever uttered.

On a medical note: The last MRI was clear, and showed no tumor activity. We give praise to God for answered prayer!


Dave Bauer said...

We heard that you had a brain tumor from our Pastor, a former student of yours, Denver Ayres. Someone gave me a newspaper article and blog about you.

We think of you often and pray for you at those times. It is good to hear that you have a clear report.

The picture on the stairs is good. Bethany is such a little Lauren. It looks like Chris is the only one who is married.

Blessings on you and your family.

Dave & Phyllis Bauer

New Dawn said...

How wonderful to hear that prayers are answered so faithfully. And thank you, Chris, for this blog lesson. What a wonderful word, what a wonderful message, what a wonderful Savior is Jesus Christ our Lord.