
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Absent: A Sense of the Sacred

One of the distinct characteristics and nonetheless disturbing of our age is an absence of the sacred. Many places of worship still have a book in the back of the pew called the sacred hymnal, but few consider the music within "sacred." Paul told Timothy that from a child he had known the sacred scriptures, yet people today treat their Bibles and the reading of it with contemptible casualness. When two young people get married this act was at one time referred to as "sacred matrimony." Now it is considered getting hitched or tying the knot, but is seldom referred to as a sacred and solemn occasion. Worship has become shallow and superficial. God's name is often used in a vain and repetitious way. Kneeling is a posture never taken within the service and that which should command respect is often treated as a triviality. We need today to recapture a sense of that which is sacred. There are subjects and matters that are majestic and we should be "lost in wonder, love, and praise" as the hymnwriter said, instead of having LOST our wonder, love, and praise.

Medical update: the next MRI is scheduled for June 10th. We continue to pray for lower numbers related to bilirubin and liver enzymes. Thank you for all the encouragement you continue to bring our direction.

1 comment:

Jim Nasium said...

Pastor Chris;

Some time ago, you recited a statement that has stuck with me and I want you to know how much it has meant to me.

You said, 'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'

How true those words are! As I continue my own personal struggles, and do my best not to let my problems get the best of me, I remind myself of those words you said. When I encounter someone who seems unwilling to see my side of an issue, I have to keep in mind that I do not know what that person is also dealing with.

My youngest kids (Sydney & Gracie) often ask about you, and why they haven't seen you in a while. I have to explain to them that God is continuing to use Pastor Chris to minister to all of us, but in a more special way now than ever before. I tell them that you are now being our Pastor through your living example of what inner strength and determination, combined with undying faith, can do for all of us! God truly IS working through you every day.

Glory to God for bringing our lives together over these past 11 months!
